In recent years, the environment has been severely impacted by high carbon emissions, burning forests, endangered species and pollution of rivers and oceans.
Even though several sustainable agendas were agreed to ensure a global vision and deal with this scenario, any initiatives have been insufficient to guarantee the future of our planet.
Until the emergence of a pandemic which forced us to slow down, the unbridled pace of consumption has made us consider instead a new economic development model.
Many companies have begun to realise that consumption habits will never be the same, because more and more people are demanding that products and services are linked or associated with good causes and that they show a real commitment to human values and the environment.
However, this movement only began to gain relevance in 2004, when Kofi Annan, the then UN Secretary General, questioned CEOs from the large financial institutions on how to incorporate social, environmental and governance factors into the financial market.
Since then, several meetings have reaffirmed the importance of creating an integrated agenda, until in 2020 Larry Fink, CEO of Black Rock, the largest investment fund manager in the world, released a letter placing sustainability at the centre of investment.
Today PURPOSE has become the watchword, as future generations will no longer engage with the best companies IN THE WORLD, but rather only those companies who are best FOR THE WORLD.

And so that your business is ready to put this objective into practice, we invite you to learn about TRUMAN STAKEHOLDERS, a hub of INNOVATION with a systemic vision integrated with sustainability, digital economy and acceleration of positive impact businesses.
Have you ever thought of developing an IMPACT BUSINESS MODEL through risk analysis and opportunities, an acceleration of social and environmental goals, awareness campaigns, professional qualifications, partnerships with schools, institutions and communities, lectures with experts and influencers, as well as indoor and outdoor activities for your employees?
Have you thought about transforming all this into DIGITAL ASSETS and generating what’s called CONSCIOUS CONTENT?
Visit and learn about the main ESG trends, impact business initiatives, circular economy solutions and technological innovations that are integrated with social and environmental goals, as well as our digital currency, SEEDS.
If your company generates WASTE, you can also select the type and quantity to sell and TRUMAN STAKEHOLDERS will find the right partner to purchase your WASTE, ensuring its RESPONSIBLE DISPOSAL and offering, in some cases, REVERSE LOGISTICS.
Part of this profit will be transformed into CASHBACK for your company to acquire various PRODUCTS and SERVICES and/or ACCELERATE SOCIAL or ENVIRONMENTAL GOALS, through our digital currency, SEEDS.
As with the cycles of nature, we are in the final stage before the rebirth of the new economy.
The culture of purpose can positively impact your entire production chain, employees and local communities, in addition to transforming your actions into seeds for future generations!
TRUMAN STAKEHOLDERS. Economy & innovation - together for a better world!

Purpose guides culture. Purpose is the basis for sound decision making. Purpose helps sustain long-term financial returns for the company's shareholders.
Purpose is the engine of long-term profitability. Purpose is not a mere slogan or marketing campaign. It is the fundamental reason for business.It's what it does every day to generate value for interested players. Purpose is not only the search for profit, but the driving force to achieve it. Profit is by no means inconsistent with purpose. In fact, profit and purpose are closely linked.
Profit is essential so that, over time, a company can efficiently serve not only its own interests but also those of its shareholders, employees, customers, communities, governments, activists and all those directly or indirectly connected to it.
Purpose guides culture. Purpose is the basis for sound decision making. Purpose helps sustain long-term financial returns for the company's shareholders.

Who are we?

Advertising professional, director, and executive producer for 22 years, has always worked in the creation of marketing content and branded content projects and strategies. A few years ago, he began to take an interest in what lies behind the strategy, behind branding, and, most importantly, the core values that form the foundation for building company cultures, as well as the development of leaders and managers.
During this time, he deepened his studies on strategic management in sustainability and ESG, developing projects that connect with positive impact businesses, sustainable initiatives, and the acceleration of environmental and social goals. This led to the creation of the platforms Truman Stakeholders and Jornada ESG.

Yoon Jung Kim é nascida na Coreia do Sul, imigrando para o Brasil em 1990 com sua família. Ela é formada em Direito pela PUC-SP, tem MBA em Governança Corporativa, e especializações em Criminologia e Investigação Criminal, Sustentabilidade, Economia circular e regenerativa, e em programa internacional de Lei Anti-corrupção. Ela atuou por 16 anos como Promotora de Justiça do Ministério Público do Estado de São Paulo, e também foi Diretora Executiva de Compliance da Aegea Saneamento e Participações S.A. e Diretora Jurídica da concessionária Águas do Rio. É cofundadora do Mundo ESG, uma instituição dedicada difusão de conhecimento sobre boa governança corporativa, capitalismo consciente e alinhamento dos interesses socioambientais e econômicos.

- CEO da Future Carbon Group.
- Co-Fundador da plataforma Mundo ESG.
- Ex-presidente do Conselho de Administração das Águas do Rio (Rio 1 e Rio 4) e membro independente do Conselho de Administração da Aegea Holding.
- Ex-Promotor de Justiça do Estado de Minas Gerais.
- Ex-Secretário de Estado de Segurança Pública do Estado de Mato Grosso.
- Ex-Subcorregedor Nacional do Ministério Público.
- Especialista em Inteligência de Estado e Inteligência de Segurança Pública pela Fundação Escola Superior do Ministério Público do Estado de Minas Gerais.
- Certificado nos Cursos de Justice & Government, pela Harvard Law School, de Constitucional Law, pela Stanford University, e de Legal Risk Management, pela Boston University